Autofetch Transactions

In order to auto-fetch live bank transactions, you must first have a linked bank account.

What is Autofetch?

Autofetch is a feature of BudgetSheet that will automatically fetch new bank transactions from all linked bank accounts for you and insert them into your Google Sheet every day.

Autofetch can be very useful for those who want to take a "set it and forget it" approach to importing transactions. When autofetch is enabled, your Google sheet will always be up to date with the latest transactions and balances and you won't have to run any manual updates.

How Does Autofetch Work?

Every time your fetch transactions, BudgetSheet updates the last fetch date. Autofetch reads this date, and automatically fetches all transactions for all connected accounts from the last fetch date until the current date, up to 30 days at a time. If you have not fetched transactions for a long time when you enable Autofetch, it may take a few days for BudgetSheet to catch up using 30-day chunks at a time.

Installing Autofetch

Autofetch is not installed by default (it cannot be installed before bank accounts are linked), so if you would like to use this feature, you have to enable it via the BudgetSheet menu.

Autofetch Settings... menu item location
Autofetch Settings... menu item location

This will pop open a sidebar menu. Click Enable to install a ClockTrigger in your Google Sheet that will run the 🤖 Run Autofetch function for you once per day.

If you want to see how this feature works, you can also run the 🤖 Run Autofetch function manually via the BudgetSheet menu.

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    Google Sheets + Bank Transactions. Full control to budget your own way with your own data in your own spreadsheet.

Made by Vance Lucas of Actridge, LLC